суббота, 17 сентября 2011 г.

amit sinha wharton::The reason for this was because of his background; specifically how he had managed to get to the university of york and what he had done prior to his studies amit sinha wharton

amit sinha wharton amit sinha wharton::The reason for this was because of his background; specifically how he had managed to get to the university of york and what he had done prior to his studies.
He had actually posed a lot of questions to me about my experiences and got me thinking about the that was held a few months ago.
If i produced a timeline of the opportunities that have been available to me during the course of my degree, you will see everything come back to two emails i received.
One was in the first week of my course, and another in midfebruary of my first year.
At the time, university was a little overwhelming and i did not want to screw up my relationship with the academic staff, even before i had begun it.
This was coupled with the idea that i was not really sure what a bos representative actually did.
I asked my supervisor what he thought, and after a small discussion, i decided i would try it.
Luckily for me, i got nominated in, and i began attending meetings and passing my opinion on certain issues.
I attended this event, and found out that the union was also recruiting for the position of faculty representative.
This post lasted until the end of the academic year, and allowed me to build relationships with many members of university staff.
The second email was to participate in the in april 2009.
This was a global conference that had approximately 2000 individuals from around the world debating their ideas on key issues such including water, healthcare, cities and education.
If i am being honest, i almost automatically signed up without really thinking about what i had gotten myself into.
It really was not that long before i found myself at home, sat infront of my thinkpad reading and responding to many discussions as well as starting different topics myself.
I have to admit that i enjoyed discussing these broad topics and particularly liked the diversity of the conference members.
It was astonishing how their backgrounds meant they had very different views on what sometimes appeared to be a simple concept.
Once i had completed the conference i did not really think to look back or reflect.
However, in midmay, whilst glancing down at the 120ish emails i received, i was very surprised to see an email from my head of department.
After looking through a few more emails, i realised i had won an award as one of the top 20 student contributors in the conference.

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